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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas! Important Fact About "Christmas" - Embrasses Me...

Embarrassing. For years I literally thought "Hey, I'm cool with Christians, I LOVE Christmas!" (Sigh) - This teaches me the importance of "Teaching oneself before making statements."

A little over a year ago, a very close Christian to my life said this:
"Our Church does not have a service on Christmas day, I spent New Years Eve at my Church..."
I scratched my head in confusion.
"Baby Jesus was BORN on Christmas! That's the day to go to Church! New Years is PARTY time."
It all seemed so backwards to me. But I let it be and did not probe further. Now, as I'm studying Christianity I'm learning that Christmas is so largely a commercialized holiday.

At the root of it, no one even really knows when Jesus was born for sure. Some Churches just decided to use December 25th. I'll read more about it, but it seems the tradition of "gift-giving" is just something society created and the world followed...because...well...

...we all love getting GIFTS!

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