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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Blind Faith Is No Faith!

Ok, here it goes - my first controversial opinion on the highly religious, well at least 95% of them. I can already see the crowds banging down the front door with fire torches. Again, this is my view - I'll explain it, don't take it all personal.

Something That Baffles & Frustrates Me

I've labeled in "Blind Faith" - it's best explained through an example, or rather a story:

Meet 2 people: 
Angie (an avid Christian or any religion, again, don't get all cranky and defensive) and Dave (an agnostic - indifferent on God).
Angie lectures Dave on how Christianity is the absolute truth. Jesus is God. Accept him or be destined to burn. You won't get saved. You're going to Hell. Etc...
Now, Dave, a bit scared by this notion says "Well, what about Islam, they say if I don't pray to Allah, then I won't get saved. How do you know Islam isn't right?"
Angie: "Are you crazy Dave? Oh MY GOD, how can you even THINK that Islam is right! Haven't you read the Bible, it's only JESUS, he's our one and true savior."
Dave: "OK, but that's your OPINION, right?"
Angie: "You've really lost it. No it's not an opinion, it's the TRUTH."
Dave: "But how do you KNOW that? How do you know that Islam isn't the truth? Why don't we go to a Mosque and just learn, look around and see what it's about?"
Angie: "NO WAY! I can't do that! It's a SIN to even consider another God. Jesus warned against it. He's the only one, period. I would never step FOOT into another religious place that worships a God other than Jesus!"
This is a prime example of what I refer to as "Blind Faith" - I've experienced this far too many times and it just confuses the heck out of me. Now, in my personal experience, it's been with mostly Christians AND Muslims, but all religions do it.

For example, I bet I'd have a heck of a time getting my father to walk into a Mosque - he'd prob smack me.
Ok, back to BLIND FAITH...

I've met some Christians who truly feel that even coming CLOSE to another religious establishment where another God or "idol" is prayed is a SIN. They consider it "recognizing the possible existence of another God" and since the Christian God is a Jealous one, they fear he'll get angry.

Well. Wait a minute here. Even this THOUGHT REAKS of doubt and faithlessness (at least to me).

Assume your faith is 100% strong. You KNOW Jesus is the one and only. Nothing in the world, short of Jesus himself can change your mind. So...

Angie, what's the problem?!  Why won't you step foot inside the Mosque?  Don't bow your head, don't eat the offering, just visit. Go out of EDUCATIONAL curiosity?
REALLY Angie?  REALLY? You mean to tell me that Jesus will doom you to hell because you respected another's beliefs and just went to see "what's what?"  The entire time you're there you pray to Jesus, you praise Jesus, you think of Jesus.
Even better, you get a chance to walk out and go "HMPH...what RUBBISH, Jesus did you see that? Wow, those poor souls, I'm so glad I found YOU." 

Think about the power in THAT. The power of your faith there. You showed no fear, no doubt. You never had the faintest thought of another God in your life.  I would THINK that Jesus is now PROUD of you, no?

To me, NOT going in or refusing to even LEARN of another religion shows your own weakness. It shows your own fears. It shows that you're afraid you may be tempted or that you may be led to something "wrong."

If that's the case, you're not a true believer!  My worry is that since God is all-knowing, you're not fooling anyone. God is known to test us, but how will he test you if you're scared to even test yourself!

You can't say something is false without having studied it and learned about it (in an unbiased mind). But, see churches, temples and mosques would NEVER do that. Right? That's just crazy talk.

So, who's really stopping you from "learning" and "exploring" other religions or even just curiously crawling by and peeking over?

Personally...I don't think its Jesus, Allah, Krisna, Buddha or anyone... I think it's the Church, Temple, Mosque and their personal agendas, fear, pride that they're using to scare you (through years of training).

I just find it hard to believe that a true all-giving, all-forgiving, all-powerful GOD would hate or assign punishment for just being curious.

Rather, by being strong enough to attend such things, you just prove your faith even stronger to yourself!

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