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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

God Is Not Your Personal Genie - REAL Praying

The more I pray, the more I'm learning how to. Here's the #1 mistake I found I used to make. I thought of God as my personal Genie all along. I used to make specific prayers...
"God help me get me get that.  God make me successful. God bring me wealth. God make me healthy. God make me fit and strong. etc..."
What I missed all along is that I need to stop imposing MY will on God and actually submit to HIS will. God knows best, not me. When I ask him for something specific, I'm essentially saying that "I" know best.

Don't pray then because it's not from the right place.

Instead now, I simply ask God questions and ask him for a PATH. I ask him to do what's best for me and for HIM. I ask that he put me on the path that makes it most likely I can carry out the purpose he has chosen for me.

Try changing the way you pray. The sense of inner peace you acheive is amazing.

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