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Sunday, January 8, 2012

My 3rd Visit To Church Service - Went Alone! :-O

This morning, I got word that my friend couldn't come today, so I had a decision on my hands. Go alone or watch the service online (live streaming). Something compelled me to go, so I chose to "bite the uneasy bullet." As you can see, I survived (haha, no idea why I get so anxious, they're probably the nicest people at this Church).

I chose to turn the "networker" on and spent some time meeting people. I even sat next to a very nice girl who invited me to a "Young Adult" program. Can't make it, as I'll travel soon, but I'll definitely peek when I get back.

Pastor Dale was being more humorous than usual today. Apparently in 2011 he had made a mission to make this Church the "Friendliest" in the County. Today he declared the 2012 challenge - make the Church the 'Singiest." There was a huge chorus up-front and and even larger band.

Going to service here is nothing short of going to a rock concert I feel...

Today's Topic: What To Do When Life Gets Hard

This is the topic for the month. He started with the story of Joseph and how he came to lead Egypt against all odds after his brother sold him into slavery. He spoke of the "good times" that came to the Israelites under a certain King (who revered Joseph). Then his focus shifted to the sudden change when a new King of Egypt came.

The Israelites were persecuted and pushed into slavery. Pastor Dale spoke mostly of 'Exodus' (means the road out or way out) being an excellent book to show you "What to do when times get hard." He provided evidence of how God was at work even when the times were toughest. He provided evidence of how God heard the "groans" and cries of his people.

Although many thought he was not listening, he was busy preparing the one man to answer their prayers - Moses. He was waiting for the right time, the right union amongst the Israelites and other things. Having read Exodus already, his message made a lot of sense. Although I can't help questions such as "Why did God wait over 400 years before he helped" certainly pop up.

Finally he gave 6 "areas of focus" when life gets hard:

1. Look Up - Trust
2. Look In - Grow
3. Look Around - See
4. Cry Out - Pray
5. Reach Out - Connect
6. Hold On - Hope

Some other notes:

Re: #1 - He said that when life gets hard, we get "pressed down." We are more likely to walk with our heads down. It's that very moment we need to look UP to fight the "pressure." We need to trust in God and have faith.

Re: #5 - He made humorous jokes about how humans have a tendency to want to have a "pity party" that only has 3 guests when they are sad: Me, Myself and I. We're prone to crave isolation. "Isolation is actually a tool of Satan" is what Pastor Dale explained. He WANTS us to be alone. It is this very time that you should be reaching out to others and surrounding yourself with ENTHUSIASM and SUPPORT.

There are certainly a LOT of scriptures in the Bible that confirm how God reaches out to those who cry out to him - the only thing you have to do is extend your hand out to him!

I've taken pictures of my note sheets for you - hope you can read them!

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