God (whatever name the religion gives him) is all-knowing, all-controlling and directs our paths. So, if that's the case, we miss out on his #1 gift to us.
The one gift that without, I don't find anyone can truly embrace God (from within). It's also the GREATEST gift we can ever ask for (above all the money, success and all else you may want). What is it?
A sense of PEACE...Why do you stress when something bad happens? Why are you upset? Why do you blame people or situations for things missing in your life?
The bottomline is that God is in control of all these things. He does what he does with a PURPOSE. Leave it to him. Put all your burdens onto him and live only in his PATH. If something bad happens, learn from it and move on. Look for the GOOD in it.
That's what I call inner peace. As I go about my studies, it's the greatest Gift I'm getting. Honestly, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I'm realizing now how important it is.
All of a sudden nice cars, big houses, first class flights - all seem so small. Having a mind at peace is a feeling that is very hard to described. But it's a feeling one can appreciate after having felt nothing but unsettling pain and stress.
Whatever you name God - if you do believe in God - turn your decisions and their outcomes to him and free yourself of them. Try it...
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