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Friday, January 13, 2012

How Dare You Question My Faith?

** I have no idea why I'm writing the following, nothing has happened to "me" really, this is just something I was thinking about when I was reading some forums on Religion..."

Just a "rant" for those who are BORN into certain religions. I'll pick on "Christianity" for a moment since it's on my mind (why? Because I firmly believe that I, myself, am now a follower of Christ). By the way, the below works with ANY faith or belief. The key focus is on the difference in those who are BORN into a faith versus one who FINDS the faith. 2 people I'm making up. Matt and Ashish.

Matt = Born into Christianity - Knows nothing else, always believed, was taught that way.
Ashish = Born into Hinduism - Starts researching and finds the path of Jesus

Out of these 2 peoplw, I've discovered people like MATT are likely to make a DANGEROUS mistake. Here's what I'm seeing what "people like Matt" may do.
"Somehow, they expect people like Ashish to 'prove' themselves..."
If Ashish comes to Matt and says...
I've researched it all and I believe, I can't believe all these things are happening to me." 
 Matt has a tendency to look at him and say...
"Oh yea? How come all of a sudden? Prove it. Are you sure? You probably don't know..."
You know "Matt" - I'd be willing to bet money that Ashish may even know MORE than YOU. Ashish in this situation has come "into" the faith - meaning he discovered it by learning about other things. He was born into one thing but has gone through a revelation (and a hard one most likely) to arrive at his current beliefs.

Whereas in MOST cases, Matt was born into it and knows nothing else. His faith has 'meshed' in with his life. In reality 'meshing' can be dangerous for your service to God. Why? Because Ashish is more likely to distinguish, Matt is more likely to take for granted...

Relax Matt...I'm not questioning YOUR faith - just giving a balanced perspective.

If Ashish Hesitates - Here's Why...

The reason most "Matts" in the world question the "Ashish" is because Ashish tends to hesitate. He may have moments of doubt. His eyes may seem lost initially. He may come off as aloof. He may even sound like he's stumbling...

Does this mean he doesn't fully believe? No!

Think about it logically. He spent DECADES of his life thinking one way (whether he believe in another God or no God). The point is, his ENTIRE life he thought one way. 

His entire life he grew up in a particular community that practiced a particular way. Now, all of a sudden (may times OVER NIGHT), he is experiencing feelings and knowledge that questions his very being at the core?

Can you imagine what would happen to YOU, Matt?  Do you not think you'd walk around a bit "glass eye" or scared. Do you not think you'd have moments where you say " this for real?" 

In any religion, God says that we are human and because of that we make mistakes. It's only natural for us to be afraid of that we do not know. It's only natural for us to be anxious of change. Matt, believe it or not, you do all this too in every other area of your life.

So, Matt, EMBRACE Ashish. Don't challenge him at every step of the way. Don't ask him to PROVE himself in ways you would not ask of anyone who was "born" into your faith. Don't question and push him.

If anything, be there to support and encourage him. Answer his questions and welcome him. At least in the terms of Christianity, I'm certain that is what Jesus would do.

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