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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 4

This chapter was interesting. Krisna clarifies that karma is not equal to all. This means that something that may be good Karma for YOU is not necessarily for me. To each our own based on our responsibilities, talents, etc...

He starts by quoting:
"Whatever path a person travels to Me is My path...All paths lead to me."
He also quotes:
"I return like for like. If they treate Me as a father or mother, I treat them as my children. If they serve Me as master, I accept their services as their Lord. If they worship Me as a child, I approach them as a child. Those who pine for Me, I pine for. To those who see Me as friend, I am friend. Even for those who perceive Me as enemy, I approach as an enemy. All paths lead to Me, Divinity."
This was an interesting quote. It basically promotes the same thing Christianity promotes about a "personal relationship with God." Whatever you see him as, he accepts.  However, the last line of "see me as enemy, so you are my enemy" got me. I would relate this in Christianity to the concept of "if you don't embrace me, you are not saved."
"Expecting nothing, hoping for nothing, abandoning everything, they keep the mind and senses under control."
I found this an interesting line - it's very Buddhist in nature!

There is next a quote that spoke to me regarding finding Mentors and Gurus...
"Another good attitude that aids the development of spiritual knowledge is to wholeheartedly revere someone who has genuinely achieved it. When one sincerely strives for spiritual enlightenment Divinity in some way puts one in contact with an enlightened teacher. Sincerely question that teacher. As a burning candle can light many others, an illuminated soul can bring light to many a competent inquirer."
Again, he makes it a point to say that we humans are not the ones to decide how or what to act - it is not our job. Here's a quote where he calms Arjuna...
"O Prince, your ignorance of your Ture SelfWithin is the cause of your present reluctance to act, just as the opposite of ignorance, Self-knowledge, would bring fearless action. So with the sword of wisdom, sever the doubts in your heart. Arise,  best of men, take your stand. Be a warrior!"
I think I need to read closer though as so far the message I'm still hearing is much the same as prior chapters...

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