Religion or not, I've always prayed. I've always asked for "signs" when I'm troubled or lost. However, in the midst of my studies of Christianity, I thought "let me pray more in the Christian style."
Two nights ago I went to sleep asking God for a sign regarding 2 things in my life that are really troubling me as of late. I wanted a sign if he wants me to continue going in my direction.
Many would say this is not how God works - he doesn't just give signs. Some may say it's selfish. To them all I say, good for you. It's always worked for me. When I ask for a sign, I've always gotten it. Even though I have no name to the God I pray to - he's always answered in the past. Fine, even if it was not God - it was then "a power in the Universe" - whatever it was.
Praying has been good to me.6 hours after waking up, I get a phone call that my little nephew is finally on his way! I've waited at least 2 weeks eagerly for him, to the point of frustration (I'm not a very patient man).
MY TOY (batteries included ;) IS HERE! I immediately grabbed my pre-packed bag, jammed my car with his presents and was on my 2 hour drive to reach the hospital.
On the drive I realized - was that just an answer to my prayer? Was that the sign I asked for? Hours after I awake, God hands me this little miracle who is destined to change my life (who already has started changing my life)?
The questions I asked of in my prayer dealt with the process of finding a new life - or renewing my existing life. Well, this little nephew sucking his thumb in my lap has just changed the entire way I make a decision in my life - if that's not a sign, what is?
You tell me? Was my prayer answered?
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