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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My First Visit To Church - My First Service...

This post is 3 days late. No idea what or why. That little voice in my head spoke again (I'm starting to believe it's a smart voice with a vision - could it be God?)

Saturday, I was with a great friend, who converted from Hinduism to Christianity. I was sharing about my journey, my studies, etc...

I had been wanting to go to Church at least for the experience but I had also been scared. She must have sensed it, she asked me very nicely and with no push.

At first, in shock and afraid, I said no. She didn't push. She didn't judge. She carried on the conversation. 3 Hours later I quietly asked if the offer was still open.

The next day (Church day) I felt very awkward and nervous. But I'm not one to shy away from new experiences.

1 hour later, the overall experience was mind-boggling and amazing.
1. SUPER organized. I was impressed. Big screens everywhere, cameras everywhere. 5 minutes before the service started, a count-down timer appeared on the screens. When he spoke, the verses he references read across on the screens.
2. Technically ADVANCED. The pastor has Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, a Blog. Wow. The Church has a vibrant, dynamic, community based website!
3. Easy Access. The services are recorded for web viewing. The services are aired simultaneously online as well.
4. They have a BAND. I mean a full on rock-band. "Boring" religious songs suddenly have a tang/twist and a "shake your booty" beat.
5. Amazing Speaker. One thing I've always loved about Christian Pastors is they are amazing speakers. I love personal development and most Christian services are basically a "how to be happier and live better" seminar (if you take out the Jesus parts).
For years I've admired Joel Osteen which is ironic because he's considered evangelical.  
6. Organized Messages That Make Sense. Each week, they pick different versus and a different message to teach. What a great way to learn and remember.
7. There was much more too - basically, I was more than just impressed. 
We started with a few songs from the Band. Then the Pastor came and led prayer with the group. In between, we were asked to look around, shake hands, say Hi and SMILE :)

Then, the Pastor spoke to us on the meaning of "Fatherhood" and related it to how Jesus is the ultimate Father.
Something I Personally LOVED - The Pastor taught through stories. I love stories. I still remember them, that's the power of stories. 
Not always "feel good" stories, but stories that resonate and clarify a strong point.
That's it. We left just an hour later with knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, smiles and this "feel good aura" that's hard to explain.

My friend was great about not pressuring me for "so what did you think" - she just came out calmly and casually.  A big thank you to her (even though she has no clue about this blog).

But I asked myself, "Would you come to another service again?" My inside voice had a LOUD and very emphatic response:
"Aimen brotha, I'd love to."
I left it at that. Am I Christian now? No. No. At least not yet. I got a lot more studying to do. But that was a splendid first experience and it made me feel good.

My end goal is...something I believe in, something I understand, people I admire and that good feeling. Good start. So, even if you're not Christian, go one day, experience it. They don't bite :)

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